Preventative Screening Covered by Gifted Benefits

One thing that both men and women can do this month to protect and prioritize their health is to schedule a preventative screening.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that preventive care screenings can save lives - over 100,000 each year if people took advantage of screenings.   

If you need to be convinced, here are 4 reasons to schedule a screening today: 

  1. Early detection saves lives. Regular screenings allow healthcare professionals to detect conditions early, improving the chances of successful treatment.  
  1. Get peace of mind. Proactive healthcare allows you to confidently pursue your personal and professional goals, knowing you have taken precautions to address any potential health risks. 
  1. Save some $$$. Detecting health issues in their early stages can save you a significant amount of money due to early-stage treatment costs averaging less than longer-term treatment costs.  
  1. Feel empowered. Arming yourself with knowledge helps you know your body better and allows you to make decisions about lifestyle modifications, necessary treatments, and other preventive measures to maintain optimal health. 

Your Gifted benefits cover an array of preventative screenings including: 

  • Blood pressure  
  • Cholesterol  
  • Colorectal cancer   
  • Depression  
  • Obesity

Below is a full list of screenings covered by your Gifted benefits.